About Me


Born and raised in Paris, France, and after 6 years in New York City, I'm currently living in San Francisco and looking to create fun and captivating interactive experiences for everyone to enjoy! 

My love for games and interactive experiences began with the discovery of (and hundreds of hours playing) Pokemon Red. I was fascinated by how immersive and organic this imaginary world was, and how it captivated a whole generation of kids and adults through different simultaneous media. I began creating my own card games and stories soon after, using my siblings and friends as my audience and testers.

I'm still striving to create accessible yet enthralling game experiences for the widest audience possible, including people who don't play much (yet!). I'm particularly interested in creating games for children, and creating that same sense of immersion which stimulated my own imagination.

A big fan of comics and novels, I also like reading and telling stories, if possible in a visual way. I've been passionate about drawing for as long as I can remember, and practicing every day ever since. When designing games, I always try to convey my ideas through sketches, diagrams and storyboards.

In my spare time, I'm also designing my own worlds and characters, and am in the process of publishing my own comic.

I like to travel, discover new places and make new friends, so I can eventually force them to play volleyball with me. And of course I love games in all their shapes: card games, board games and video games, but also educative games (because learning should always be fun). I'm a curious and open-minded person with only one goal: making life more fun!

My Keywords



I believe that accessibility and simplicity are key to making a good game. Even if its gameplay evolves to be rich and complex, the learning experience and appropriation of the rules should be intuitive and smooth. The easier the game is to get into, the more players will stick around and get involved in it, and the more complex mechanics can be introduced later on. Nintendo games are a good example of making each videogame genre accessible to all (strategy, fighting, racing...) and that's definitely the simplicity I'm going for!



To me, immersion is not necessarily about having a convincing story or top-notch visuals. It's mostly about gameplay retention and how much the users are enjoying playing the game and are compelled to return. Of course, retention is a key indicator for freemium games especially, but immersion is also how much users feel like they belong to the game, and how many times a day they think about going back to play it.



I love creating game loops and systems from high-level pitches to detailed interactions, and making sure the player will have the maximum fun. Designing features that work together like the pieces of a puzzle is thus my #1 priority. From the core game loop and economy to cosmetic additions, I'm always trying to make sure that the game's identity is clear and appealing. I look at consistency as the key that will allow the best accessibility and immersion possible for the users.


Coline Gattolin

Senior Game Designer